Future Management Systems, Inc.
“Your Vision Can Be Your Future”
The WPI was developed for use in employment selection and development. The inventory can predict effectiveness in jobs that require application of interpersonal and work style attributes. The WPI is based on a comprehensive taxonomy of 16 important personality-based work styles that are required, in various combinations, for most jobs within organizations today. The relevance of each work style measured with the inventory varies by job, as each job requires a unique combination of work personality characteristics for optimal performance. The WPI can also be useful in coaching and developing individuals with regard to strengthening the work style attributes that can enhance their career success and effectively managing those interpersonal attributes that can hinder or derail career progress.
What the Workplace Personality Inventory (WPI) measures:
Leadership orientation
Concern for others
Social orientation
Stress tolerance
Adaptability/ flexibility
Attention to detail
Integrity/rule following
Analytical thinking
Unlikely virtues
The FMS team has focused on the following three areas of leadership and team development:
1. Results focus. They have been mindful of bringing the work back to what we want to accomplish in MPS: closing the achievement gap. The Leadership Improvement Plans developed with each team member were intended to improve individual work toward that larger results goal.
2. Culture is a key driver of results. They stressed the concept of the “healthy organization” by developing high-performing teams based on the vulnerability and trust of individual members. They have also stressed the need to gain and use emotional intelligence by highlighting that how people go about their work is as or more important than what they actually do.
3. Individuals build culture. All of the work done by FMS consultants has been informed by data – Work Place Inventory (WPI), Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) Assessment – so as to develop “the reflective leader." Their work toward developing the competencies and E.Q. of the individual leader has been supported through their coaching of individuals.
This approach – combining group work with individual sessions - has been highly effective in strengthening the work of the members of my team and the team as a whole. They are dedicated thought partners who are deeply invested in the success of the district.
Matt Geary
This is what Research Says:
FMS had a data base of 600 leaders in education on the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, the DISC, and a Values inventory. Currently the data base has grown to over 1000 leaders. FMS subsequently conducted a second study with a team of researchers from Pearson Publishing on another leadership assessment, The Workplace Personality Inventory (WPI). The second study substantiated FMS' original findings. The WPI study resulted in the only nationally normed leadership assessment for education.